Thursday 13 May 2010

You wouldn't give it a second thought. If you were clearing the house after I've died then it would end up in a bin bag with all the other accumulated rubbish gathered over the years.
So you may wonder what exactly is it? To all intents and purposes it just looks like a rather worn handkerchief that for some reason is in my bedside drawer. On closer examination there are faint circles of colour now faded from repeated washing.
Why is it significant? It origins go back over 25 years. At that time I was managing the Bridleways Project (see last post) and I had a student called Sheena Bishop who turned out to be one of the most extraordinary people I've ever met. One day whilst we were eating our lunch I foolishly let it be known that one of the things that I had always craved, for reasons that even I don't fully understand even now, is one of those spotted handkerchiefs that are so commonly used by country folk. I had looked all over for one but had failed to find one.
Just a few weeks later Sheila turned up and presented me with a new handkerchief which was white and on which she had coloured in circles with felt tipped pen! Fantastic! Goodness knows how long it took her but it was a reflection of her generosity.
Two year ago I went to her funeral - easily one of the saddest days of my life.
Makes you think.......

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